Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Ramble On

Well, here I am...blogging?! Never thought I'd be doing it, but I guess I have some thoughts on this whole process (man, who am I kidding...I'm really excited and I have a ton of thoughts on this and I think you all need to know what they are!).

In some ways Wendy has mentioned alot of my thoughts/feelings with what has been going on so far, but as the father in this obviously I'll have some thoughts of my own.
Can I really raise a human being? I love dogs and our 2 seem to be I'm sure I can keep a human alive to grow up. Man, changing diapers will be GREAT I'm sure!!!
Can I raise a child with solid Christian principles...I know I can for God is sovereign and all the stupid stuff I do will teach this child what not to do, and then there is my awesome church family who will help "train him up in the Lord"!
The waiting process will be the toughest though, but the time will give us space to make preparations for the "little one".

I'm no where near as good of a writer as Wendy (she will be posting more than I), normally I write my thoughts out in songs/lyrics...but as things come to me to share I will "hit the blog" with what's going on in my head!

We covet your prayers!

God bless you,


Meredith said...

You can do this, Shane!! We're here to support you.

You both are in my prayers!


College Student Rantings said...


I am praying for both you and Wendy during this process! I miss you guys alot and love you as well

Sarah P.

Jason A. Van Bemmel said...

Being a father is the best and scariest thing you can ever do in life. It's awesome and I wouldn't trade it for the world, and it causes me to pray more than anything else. I am so excited for you guys.

Dori said...

Wendy and Shane,

You'll both be wonderful parents. Every parent stumbles, it's human nature. The trick will be getting back up, which you can only do if you rely on God's strength. He will deliver you both as well as your new addition.

I'll be praying for you both! Can't wait to see you two again. I hope by then I'll be seeing a little Lankford!
